• After Spending 50,000 USD on Ads, Here's My Secret FB Ads Formula

    by Mohamed Tohami, Amazon #1 Bestselling Author,
    Chief Dreamer and Founder of Passion Point

  • Important Facts


    Facebook is still the world’s biggest social media platform


    of marketers report that Facebook is critical to their business


    of the B2C (business to consumer) businesses use Facebook


    of the B2B (business to business) businesses use Facebook


    Average time spent per Facebook visit is 20 minutes.


    An average Facebook user clicks on 8 ads per month

    Good & Bad News...

    Based on these stats, it’s a safe bet that your audience is using Facebook. AND your competitors are using it too.


    So in order to stay on top, your Facebook strategy must be super effective if you want to get results.

  • Why It's Not Working!

    You know that FB is the world's most cost effective social media/advertising platform.


    However, All your ads and FB marketing efforts fail to attract enough customers to your business.

  • Here's What You Need To Do ...

    ... for your FB marketing efforts to work



    If your offer isn't unique, the business with the bigger ads budget will win. So, you must have an irresistible offer that sets you apart



    You must have a solid marketing strategy and sales process in place. Otherwise, the leads generated by your ads will be wasted



    Create the right Ad, to the right group of audience, to make your potential customers eagerly want to buy what you've to offer